When I was in the US mid May this year I had the opportunity to talk to Pat Sloan - you can listen to it now on the American Patchwork and Quilting podcast
Im in the last 10 minutes of the podcast
Hope I don't sound like a twat!

I'll be at the Sydney Quilt and Craft fair signing books at the Can Do Books area
Wed June 17th 11:30 - 12:30
Fri June 19th 10:30 - 11:30
Sat June 20th 1:00 - 2:00
I have also listed other shows and book signings I will be at on my website
and just for the fun of it I have added in a picture of pikelets.
If you follow me on instagram you will know how much of an average mum I can be at times (insert laughter) I was tired last night...
Home on my own with four kids, 8pm and it was raining outside. I was cleaning up after dinner and realised we had no bread and very little milk for the next day which would mean breakfast and school lunches would be a challenge. I did however have eggs and flour.... thank goodness, and at least a cup of milk.
Voila my mums 1971 pikelet recipe saves the day yet again.
Now I really should go to the shops before we have a repeat no food for lunches/ breakfast experience tonight
Xx Siobhan Rogers
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