About Me

My photo
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Craft/ food story Developer, Writer & Photographer for Newspapers & Magazines. first Book on Quilts out March 2015 with @Interweave All images and content belong to Siobhan Rogers, if you would like to use my images please email me.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Solid as a block

Here we go 

A little more information about my quilt and pattern in the Latest 
August 2015 magazine

I made this quilt way back in November/ December 2014 just before Christmas and at the same time as two other big quilts for publication....... The usual story of everything being due within days of each other, as well as the end of the school year and start of the summer holidays.

I swore the year before that I wouldn't do that to myself again...... flash back to Nov/ Dec 2013 and I had 12 quilts due for my book manuscript.

Apparently I forget stressful life events very easily and quickly!

 I'm pretty excited about this quilt - not only did I enjoy creating it BUT it was for a magazine I grew up reading. 

A close second in my childhood nostalgia excitement would be Burke's Backyard or A Country Practice and if my quilt was in an episode of either shows - Which wont ever happen as the two shows are no longer. 

I apologise to non Australians who have no idea what I am going on about.

Anyway..... I digress 

The quilt

I made the quilt front using Prima Solids from Spotlight. 
The Quilt as seen in Australian Better Homes and Gardens August 2015

and the back (pictured before quilting) is a cotton/ Linen blend.

To help my pattern writing and keep in mind I was creating three quilts at the same time, and all in solids from different manufacturers. 

I made a half square triangle of each colour and pieced it into the backing so that I would remember exactly what colours I had used when I went to double check the pattern writing.

Light green 

Khaki green

mid blue
cornflower blue
airforce blue
dark purple
light purple
baby pink
hot pink

white background

teal stripe binding

natural sand coloured linen backing

for the full fabric requirements and pattern please purchase August 2015 BHG Magazine

The version I have pictured is slightly different to the pattern in the Magazine as we ran out of room for instructions and replaced my blocks with curved piecing in them with solid coloured blocks.

Its an opportunity for you to change things or mix it up a little if you feel like adding in your own ideas.

I promised on Instagram my banana cake recipe - thats going to have to wait till the weekend, sorry but between teaching the last two days and a backlog of pattern work I'm behind schedule! 

and don't forget I have pre order copies of my book available on my website

If you do make this quilt or any of my quilts and you are on social media - please tag me!
or #siobhanrogers

Im off to clean and cook

Xx Siobhan Rogers

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